Evita Rigert - Costume Creation and Production

Evita Rigert is an independent costume and fashion creator and maker based in Volkshotel, Amsterdam. She collaborated recently with Duda Paiva Company and Illusionary Rockaz Company for the creation of Avatara, an interdisciplinary dance show combining hip hop culture with puppetry that won the Zwaan 2023 for "the most impressive dance production".


Coming from fashion background she worked with Ninamounah and Elzinga as a creative pattern cutter. During her studies, she was trained at the established fashion labels Ann Demeulemeester and Haider Ackermann in Antwerp and Paris.


Evita has acquired incredible knowledge through the various stages she has passed through, technically and practically, in production of made-to-measurement tailoring and pattern construction but also into the world of dance, puppets and special effects. Her costumes are traveling theaters all over the Netherlands and abroad. 


Evita, originally from Switzerland, wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to make Amsterdam her home, immersing herself in the local culture and learning the language. Since completing her Master's degree at the Sandberg Instituut, she has discovered her blissful haven in the creative community of Broedplaats Volkshotel, where she finds immense happiness and creative freedom to develop her design practice and collaborate with people from different creative fields.


2017-2019         Master of Arts in Design of Experiences


Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam


2013-2017        Bachelor of Arts in Product- and Industrial Design focus in

Fashion Design, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Academy of Art and Design Basel


2024            Favoriete voorstelling WIJKJURY AMERSFOORT 2024

                    "Reinaert de V." met Holland Opera, Duda Paiva Company &

                    New European Ensemble


2023            Nederlandse Dansdagen 

                    ZWAAN 2023

                    Meest indrukwekkende dansproductie 2023

                    Most impressive dance production 2023

                    AVATARA van Duda Paiva en Shailesh Bahoran


2017           Doing Fashion Sponsorship Award for graduation

                   collection ”The inEVITAble Trash of Luxury”


2024            Sewing Atelier, OBA - Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam

                    "Wear for Life" Campagne, Gemeente Amsterdam


2025               Costume and Puppet Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY

                       “ROODKAPJE IN AMAZONIA (6+)”
                       Premiere 23-02-2025 Theater Lieve Vrouw Amersfoort


2024               Costume Design for CONNI TROMMLITZ 

                        Premiere 13-12-2024 Theater KORZO, Den Haag


2024               Costume Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY and LAVINIA MEIJER

                       "ANIMALIA PARADOXA"

                       Premiere 19-10-2024 Meervaart Theater Amsterdam


2024               Costume Design for EILIT MAROM for

                       “I NEVER WANNA DANCE AGAIN”
                       Premiere 31-03-2024 Het Nationale Theater Den Haag


2024               Costume Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY for 

                       “GHOST BOX”

                       Premiere Theater Bellevue Amsterdam


2023-2024      Extended Costume and Puppet Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY, 


                       “REINEART DE V.”

                       Premiere Veerensmederij Amersfoort


2022-2023     Costume Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY for

                       “KINDEREN VAN HET VERDWENEN WOUD”
                       Premiere De Lieve Vrouw Amersfoort


2022-2023      Costume Design for DUDA PAIVA COMPANY for Béla Bartók

                        “The miraculous Mandarin”

                        Premiere Concertgebouw Amsterdam and Theater Philharmonie Essen


2022-2023      Costume Design for ILLUSIONARY ROCKAZ COMPANY and

                       DUDA PAIVA COMPANY for


                       Premiere Utrecht Stadsschouwburg


2022-2025      Patternmaker and Production for

                       JULES TEN VELDE @commedegarçon Shop Tokyo


2021-2022     Patternmaker and Production for NINAMOUNAH


2019-2023     Senior Designer STUDIO ELZINGA


2020- 2021    Costume Design for Artist IRINA BIRGER

                       Exhibition “Moving Walls” at Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam


2019              Costume Design for Designer KLASIEN VAN DE ZANSCHLUP and

                       VR-Designer ALI ELSAMI, Exhibition “Sacred Hill“ at

                      Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam and

                      Nederlands Film Festival 2019, Utrecht 


2019               Costume Design for Opera Performance “REPEAT AFTER ME” at the


                       advised by Peter Sellars and Sjaron Minailo


2018               Concept and Costume Design for short film “THE NEIGH SAYER”,

                       Premiered at the BRITISH FILM INSTITUT (BFI), London


2018               Founded Accessories Label HUNGUP.ME


2015-2016      Pattern Department at HAIDER ACKERMANN, Antwerp and Paris


2015               Product Development and Pattern Department Internship at

                       ANN DEMEULEMEESTER, Antwerp